Comments and information of all the Spanish cooperatives of dried fruits; ref. to the 2013 almonds crop, as well as production in the several growing areas

“It is one of the shortest crops of last 10 years. A decline of 30,48 % compared with last season . Mainly due to frost damages during February and March affecting to the almonds varieties of earliest blossoming, as well as pollination problems of continuous rains at blooming  time “

Source of information:



Tn in almonds kernels
Autonomous Community
Production 2012 Forecast 2013 Difference 2012/2013 Difference 2013 / average 2008-2012
Andalucia 12000 8100 -32,50% -12,13%
Aragon 9189 4338 -52,79% -46,31%
Baleares 2150 2500 16,28% 41,96%
Castilla la   Mancha 4545 2526 -44,42% -47,05%
Cataluña 3571 2506 -29,82% -37,44%
La Rioja 700 309 -55,86% -56,06%
Mucrcia 7900 6320 -20,00% -21,27%
Navarra 288 98 -65,97% -70,14%
Comunidad   Valenciana 5100 4901 -3,90% -6,96%
Balance 600 455 -31,06% -13,83%
TOTAL 46103 32053 -30,48% -24,92%