The California almond market is very strong at the moment and it is very difficult to find merchandise or offers. Prices go on rising. Also prices for Spanish almonds are rising. There is a strong demand for prompt delivery in Spain and abroad, thinking of Christmas season. Farmers knowing this situation are selling the raw material little …
The first estimates for the new crop of Californian almonds of 2014 indicate that it will be lower by about 2.5 % than the 2013 harvest. This decrease is because of the lack of rain this year in Californian Ref to Spanish almonds, there will be better harvest than 2013, It is expected to be …
“Blossoming 2014 has started in good conditions. All across the south of Spain we can see the trees in blossom. We have had good rain, practically in the whole of Spain, maybe a little less in the south east of Spain Now we must await the effects of the frost over the next weeks. …
After Xmas holidays the market for Spanish almonds go on very strong because of the strong demand. Also, it is very difficult to find raw material from growers or from the cooperatives There are several varieties sold out till new crop, and others will be practically sold out in a short period of time California …
Everything suggests that the market will continue with a very strong demand until the Christmas holidays . We are finding a shortage of merchandise at the moment. Some Spanish varieties like Ramillete, Guaras and Larguetas are practically sold out, more so if we are talking about large sizes like 18/20 Many people in Europe are …
The world´s leading food fair for the retail trade and the food service and catering market
ALMONDS SEASON 2013 Comments and information of all the Spanish cooperatives of dried fruits; ref. to the 2013 almonds crop, as well as production in the several growing areas “It is one of the shortest crops of last 10 years. A decline of 30,48 % compared with last season . Mainly due to frost damages …
Spanish almonds Crackers are receiving the first parcels from the new crop. The early almonds varieties are Valencias, Guaras and Ramillete For varieties like Larguetas , Ferragnes and Marconas we must await till middle September. The south of Spain is seriously affected by frost damages and we will have northern crop for end September It appears …
According to preliminary estimates almond crop production 2013/14 will be lower than last season, at 24.92% less than the average for the last five years The National dry Nuts, agricultural organizations, formed by BDA, COAG and UPA, Cooperative Agro-food of Spain, and the Spanish Association of Producers Organizations (AEOFRUSE) has made the almond production …
The almond tree is a very typical element in the Mediterranean countryside. After these trees there is a whole industry that has led Spain to being the second largest producer of almonds after the United States. In Spain, the almond’ production is concentrated in the Mediterranean coastal regions: Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands (Mallorca), Andalusia …